Earth Day Party
• April 16, 2012
We are returning to the Broadway Farmers Market this Sunday (April 22). It is also Earth Day. We want to have some fun, so we are bringing along friend DeeDee Royalis to help make things more festive.
![DeeDee Royalis](/uploads/biscuit-queen-2.jpg)
For the next few months, we will be selling biscuits each Sunday at both the Broadway and West Seattle Markets. Two places to get honest-to-goodness kick-ass biscuits made from local and organic ingredients.
To mark this occasion, we decided to make things more fun. Celebrity spokesmodel, DeeDee Royalis will be at the Honest Biscuits booth, handing out samples of our fresh biscuits, fluffy on the inside, with a little crunch on the outside, not unlike Miss DeeDee herself. You may remember DeeDee Royalis from past gay pride parades, when she represented exalted local chain, Cupcake Royale.
DeeDee Royalis has recently been somewhat of a recluse, but she has decided to come out and add some festivity to the seriousness that is Honest Biscuits. She is a graduate of Larry Spelnick’s Tech’Cool School. She now spends all of her time running the House of DeeDee Royalis, churning out “high fashion” clothing and other “design items” available at unique stores in three countries.
Anyway, we want to celebrate and have some fun this earth day. Miss Royalis may not exactly be an icon of environmentalism, but she loves some dirt. And she knows how to have a good time!
Join Honest Biscuits this and every Sunday at the Broadway Farmers Market from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. We will also continue to sell at the West Seattle Farmers Market from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm each Sunday.